Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Ogre (Day 4)

1) What do you think the significance of the mirror twins and Lothar (they seem to have a special place at the Napola and with Abel) ? And what about the way in which they die? How do you read this? (Hint: Revelation 2:16 says- "Therefore repent, or else I am coming to you quickly, and I will make war against them with the sword of my mouth."

When he finds Haro and Hajo, Tournier writes, " Twins carry the despiritualization of the flesh further. It is no longer a matter of a contradictory tumult in which souls neutralize each other. The two bodies really have only one concept between them with which to clothe themselves in intelligence and fill themselves with spirit" (287). He tried to figure out ways to tell them apart and then he realized that they are mirror twins who can be superimposed on one another face to face, not one on top of the other like the others. He says, "I have always been extremely interested in the processes of inversion an, permutation and superimposing; photography provided a special illustration of them, but only in the realm of the imagination. And now here I find the theme that has always haunted me actually written out in children's flesh!" (289). I think these twins represent good and evil, and that both of these things are within every person. I think this because of the way one side of them matches up perfectly with the other side of the other twin.

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