Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Pan's Labyrinth

This was also a very strange movie that mixes the real world with the fantasy world. The main character Ofelia interacts with this faun and many other creatures from the fantasy world. The faun tells her she needs to complete 3 tasks. The role of three is introduced again and is a mythical element like a fairy tale. Whenever anything gets too rough to handle, she goes into this fantasy world. This reminds me of Don Quixote and Perceval who both were totally obsessed with the fantasy world. This fantasy world made them happy, but everybody else thought that they wwere crazy. I thought the ending of the movie was the most interesting. When she dies, she imagines herself to be in this fantasy world with her parents but she really isn't. She is really dying in "the real world" but she does not like her life in the real world so she dies happily in her fantasy world.

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