Monday, September 6, 2010

Assignment #1

I have a lot of learning objectives/goals for myself while taking this course. I have never been the type to be very comfortable using a computer. I am usually always the person who is writing things down when everyone else is typing, but I have to learn more about the computer because technology is quickly advancing. One of my goals is to become more familiar with the other tools in the Microsoft Office Suite. I am familiar with Microsoft word and how to type documents and essays, but I have only made a few powerpoints in my life and I have never used Excel. I think that these programs would benefit me a lot and I am looking forward to learning more about them. Another goal I have is to be able to learn how to make my own webpage. This is something that I have only done once for a class but I do not remember how to do it at all. This could be very useful for putting up information about myself for job opportunities (like what you showed us in class) or just a place for friends and family to view. My third goal is to be able to learn more about Mac computers. I would just really like to know the basic functions and be able to use them. I have never used a Mac and I just am curious to know why so many people prefer them over PCs. I know we won't be focusing on learning how to use them but I think it would be interesting to try using one for one of my projects. My 4th goal is to learn how to attach hyperlinks onto webpages. I have always wondered how to do this. The webpage you showed us was really organized and had multiple links, such as the link to your trip to China. This is a really good way to organize everything and make it easier for the viewer to access. My last goal is to be able to make the electronic portfolio really well. I am a bit nervous for this assignment and it sounds intimidating but I feel confident that I will learn what I need to know to be able to do this. All of my goals are mainly for my own benefit, but they will also help me very soon when I am out of college and starting my career. I will hopefully be able to make impressive powerpoints and webpages to help me teach and convey the material better to the students.

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